Initially designed for the hotel and spa industry, Aquaverve water coolers are the nation's trend setters in designer-style dispensers. Due to aesthetic interior design and high capacity performance requirements commanded by the five-star hotel industry, each model is crafted to commercial grade standards. Aquaverve has expanded and now their water coolers are available for small offices, schools, gyms, the corporate industry and even the residential and home improvement markets. Not only do Aquaverve water coolers blend in beautifully in any interior environment, they will last for years to come. Aquaverve provides a safe water solution to the planet's plastic bottle issue and and helps to spread awareness about water conservation.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

YET ANOTHER REASON To Go Bottleless....

Gadzooks! This morning, Yahoo posted on its front page a behind-the-scenes article about the bottled water industry. Here are just a few key points:

‘Bottled Water Isn’t Always Pure.’ In a 4-year review, testing 1,000 bottles of water the Natural Resources Defense Council found that 22 percent of the brands tested contained chemical contaminants at levels above strict state health limits.

‘You May Actually Be Drinking Tap Water. Dasani, is a Coca-Cola product. Despite its exotic name, if your Dasani water was bottled at the Coca-Cola Plant in PA, you’re drinking Philly tap water. 25 percent of all bottled water is taken from municipal water sources, including Pepsi’s Aquafina.’

Ok well, we’re just quoting this stuff from Yahoo, but WOW! How aware are we of what we’re paying for when it comes to name brands? Here's more: ‘It’s Not Clear Where the Plastic Container Ends & the Drink Begins.’ Turns out, when certain plastics are heated at a high temperature, chemicals from the plastics may leach into container’s contents. Hmmmm.

‘Our Country’s High Demand for Oil Isn’t Just Due To Long Commutes.’ To make PET (water containers), you need crude oil. Specifically, 17 million barrels of oil are used in the production of PET water bottles ever year. PET bottles take 400 to 1000 years to degrade. Hmmmm again. How much do we love Mother Earth?

Before Name Brand Mega-buck companies make scapegoats out of all of us, might we not re-consider where're we're putting our dollars? Want to save AND be safe? Visit us at Aquaverve! We've got a great handle on how to be drink-safe and economical!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Plump & Juicy Summer Water Diet

So... it's summertime and everyone is sprawling out to deepen that long anticipated beach tan, because there's nothng more sexy than adonis bronze, sun-kissed skin. Zits suddenly disappear off motley faces. Varicose veins mysteriously retreat into the twiligt zone from whence they came and a beautiful array of 'bubbies' in bikini's start popping up like wildflowers after a spring's rain. Who DOESN'T love the beach? EVERYONE appears just a little prettier or a bit more handsome.

With that thought in mind; if you're going to soak up the sun's rays all summer long, the least you can do for your Vita-D saturated skin is flush it regularily so that your skin cells remain plump and juicy despite the frying UV rays. Despite the fact that the Baywatch babes might have used 'other' plumping techniques to appear eternally juicy in their beach scenes, truth be told - water is the best cell fattener around. Lay off the pizza and beer and guzzle water on the beach. Tint it with a tea bag, drop a lemon in and repeat...all summer long. Not only will you feel great, look plump & juicy AND bronze; you can lay back read 'Raisin in the Sun', instead of being one!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fun Facts About Water Parks

The First "official" waterpark created was Wet 'N Wild in Orlando, Fla., by George Millay (creator and founder of Sea World). WWA officially proclaimed Millay as "Father of the Waterpark Industry" in 2004 and awarded him with the Association's first-and only, to date-"Lifetime Achievement Award."

The estimated attendance at North American waterparks during the Summer 2006 season: about 78 million (includes United States, Canada and Mexico), with growth average 3-5 percent each year.

The tallest, fastest single-person, free-fall waterslide in the world is: 120-foot tall "Summit Plummet," Blizzard Beach, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

The largest indoor waterpark in the United States under one roof is: Kalahari Resort, Sandusky, Ohio. (173,000 square feet)

The tallest raft-ride waterslide is: 11-story tall "Insane" at Beach Park, Fortaleza, Brazil.

The largest wave pool in the world is: Dino Beach Water Park, Shanghai, China, at 181 feet wide by 360 feet long.
Whad-a-ya know? Water's not just for drinking! Happy Fourth of July!