Grey is grey...is grey is grey IS GREY!
There is no black and white when you are in the grey. So we decided to put a happy little spin on that color so as to offer a little hope to all those who are stuck mucking about in it, for whatever reason you're there. There's a relatively new invention, or maybe it's old and just coming to hipster popularity in the public arena now thanks in part to Ed Begley; that makes a fun sport out of recycling dirty, used, mucky, yucky grey water. Back to metaphor, we see suddenly that we have the ability to clear the water in our lives so to speak and make the grey into a sparkling and reusable life property that enables us to flourish and flower despite life's challenges.
Nope. No old and worn 'ripple in the pond' theory tossed out by the mind doctor needed here. We just fork over ten grand (that's approx. $10,000.00 of your hard earned beans) for a water recycling unit and clean up the gooky stuff by laundering it...er, sort of. At least that's what Grey Water recycling is all about, fundamentally speaking. Now as for the esoteric meaning of it....we'll leave that to the zen masters.