Eerily like the quality of water, human emotions ran from oceanic tides of ecstasy to ice colder than the floor that night.... as the silver winner, most likely amped up on pure adrenalyn, spilled his guts and emotions to ravenous news reporters...who swallowed up every drop of spit that flew from the Olympian's mouth. Was it just water on the tongue or a calculated ice-pik stab at the gold winner - who by all means, should have had at least one special moment free of 'OPM'...(other people's madness).
After all, four years is a long time to wait for anything. Most of us have the IQ of an infant when it comes to patiently working toward any goal or thing in life. These guys should have gotten a medal just for their long term efforts alone.
Was it the prior Russian Judge cheating scandal that launched the salty tsunami or was it just the pant-wetting tantrums of a poor sport athlete? Who knows? One thing is for sure. Humans, who are made up of approximately 70% water, begin taking on all the qualities of it when their mettle has been tested. Icy, fluid, soggy, wet and wildly uncontainable. This year's 2010 Olympic Men's Ice Skating Event almost washed the tarnish off the Tanya Harding Ordeal. But wait....there's more to come! Stay tuned for Johhny Weir's new Reality TV Fashionista show!