1) Make Water Cooler Fruit Popsicles. Chop kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and melons into pieces small enough to fill a 8 piece popsicle holder. Pour 3/4 grape juice and 1/4 water from your water cooler up to the top of the holder, pop in a stick and freeze.
2) Grab a spritz of mint from the garden, slice up a lemon and use a 'cold ice tea' bag. Cold ice tea bags are just like using hot tea bags, only you don't need the hot water. Just drop a bag into your glass, fill it with water from your water cooler and wha-la - instant iced tea with healthy lemon to detox your liver, while you sip away to your heart's content.
3) Jazz up your water cooler water by inviting over a few musician friends. If Masaro Emoto can change water crystals with thought, your musician buddies can tune the water to vibrate to your favorite oldies. Kick back, hear the music and then swallow it down. And then call us in the morning and tell us if you don't feel a big difference in the way you look at life. Who wouldn't feel good with 'We'll sing in the Sunshine...or Love is In The Air' flowing through their veins?
PS - Don't forget to keep the cat & dog bowls full this summer!