What do you do for the guy who has everything? How do you top last years gift, when last year you thought you'd never pull off a surprise again! How do you manage to incorporate health, safety, efficiency and longevity into a gift in the first place? Flowers die. NO ONE can keep up with the electronic industry. The flat screen wave is now OVER, cuz everybody's got one now. We as a species, have gone so far out of line with the planet that we are overwhelmed with all the things we've created - to the point that those things no longer mean much...no matter how bling they may be.
Well, wrap yourselves around a posh water cooler for the family this year. It may be a bit unusual, but honestly - it's a GREAT gift! It'll keep the family in safe drinking water and that includes the pets. It's energy efficient and eco friendly and will last for years on end. No longer are coolers a dumpy white plastic. Ok. Most out there on the market still are. But OUR water coolers were made for the hotel and spa industry - so ELEGANT design and high usage factor were entered into the formula from jump street. The end result? A gorgeous, wood or SS cooler system so sleek and beautiful - it's almost impossible to guess that it's a cooler at all! Check us out on HGTV!
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