We, as a civilized society, seem to have more problems living in a balanced way than say, our fellow ancestors did many moons ago. Water is an issue that continually clouds our minds as we grapple with how to conserve it, use it and move it about the planet. Dumping loads of seawater on a nuclear reactor from a helicopter is not something cavemen had to worry about.
Even well meaning help-the-less-fortunate fund raising walk-a-thons dredge up perplexing 'footprint' issues these days. Those walking 20 miles to raise money for others without water in the eastern hemisphere, usually end up mighty thirsty after their first half mile. How then, DO we rationalize a walk-a-thon to begin with if we end up using a ton of water to replenish 25,000 thirsty, sweaty exercise hounds?
No, cavemen did not live complicated lives and therein lies the crux. They lived off the land and yes they bopped one another over the head with sticks once in awhile. But they weren't prone to sending millions fleeing from radiation either. The ratio of humans-to-water holes was more balanced. One simply knelt down and sucked up Earth's bounty when thirsty. There was no need to work oneself to death so that one could afford to hire a serviceman to install a fancy under-the-sink faucet filter to ferret out lead, chlorine and other city muck from corroded pipes. Cavemen and women lived in relative simpatico with planet Earth. Maybe we're not so advanced after all. Maybe we should each sit back and ponder what we're all doing wrong. Because the more one looks at the whole picture, the more one thinks that maybe the cavemen had it right!
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