Initially designed for the hotel and spa industry, Aquaverve water coolers are the nation's trend setters in designer-style dispensers. Due to aesthetic interior design and high capacity performance requirements commanded by the five-star hotel industry, each model is crafted to commercial grade standards. Aquaverve has expanded and now their water coolers are available for small offices, schools, gyms, the corporate industry and even the residential and home improvement markets. Not only do Aquaverve water coolers blend in beautifully in any interior environment, they will last for years to come. Aquaverve provides a safe water solution to the planet's plastic bottle issue and and helps to spread awareness about water conservation.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Quiet Contemplation...a Boon or a Bust?

If we were all granted a view of our planet from afar, such as the lucky few astronauts who got to float about AND pee in their pants without reprimand, would it impact us enough to cause us to widen our perspective as to why we're all here in the first place? Probably not. But to give the human race the benefit of the doubt, let's try for a moment to see the higher good behind all the bad & rampantly trashy behavior that humans are and humans do. Because if we're going to get a good solid zen-hold on our lives during these wildly changing, environmentally concerning times, we might as well do it as a collective. After all, we're all bumbling around together on planet whether we like it or not. And it's not likely that Nasa will be shipping regular people off for mini vacations to the moon - even if Branson were to convince Gates to merge assets for rocket adventures.

Maybe there really IS something to the act of pondering the soul when we're in a state of calm, rather than when crisis hits and we're suddenly, madly scrambling for cover. Where do our nutty ideas come from anyway? Most people, never stop to question why they think the way they do or why even they act the way they act....that is until they get themselves into deep doo-doo. Trouble, as the zen masters teach us is our greatest gift; for when we are under water so to speak, we are forced to have to suck up and look at life from different angles. By then things are usually such a mess, that no matter what angle one tries to view a situation, no solution seems in sight.

Well...we might not solve the problems right in front of us and maybe moon travel is just a pipe dream for most of us. But if we can look up once in awhile and stare at the stars from our itsy, bitsy little lives of 9-5 hrs and MOON SIZED mortgage bills, we'll always have our divine right to 'dream on'. Even if we never make full sense of why any of us are really here.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Black and White Equals....?

Grey is a not exactly as exciting or as polarizing as yin/yang, black/white or yes/no....but there are many shades of it and ironically, it is what happens when you mix two drastically opposing colors together. Metaphorically speaking...(or as those of you who have ever spent time in a psychiatrist's office full well know), those grey areas in life are where we all stand a little confused - no matter what life challenge it is that we are being presented with.

Grey is grey is grey IS GREY!

There is no black and white when you are in the grey. So we decided to put a happy little spin on that color so as to offer a little hope to all those who are stuck mucking about in it, for whatever reason you're there. There's a relatively new invention, or maybe it's old and just coming to hipster popularity in the public arena now thanks in part to Ed Begley; that makes a fun sport out of recycling dirty, used, mucky, yucky grey water. Back to metaphor, we see suddenly that we have the ability to clear the water in our lives so to speak and make the grey into a sparkling and reusable life property that enables us to flourish and flower despite life's challenges.

Nope. No old and worn 'ripple in the pond' theory tossed out by the mind doctor needed here. We just fork over ten grand (that's approx. $10,000.00 of your hard earned beans) for a water recycling unit and clean up the gooky stuff by laundering, sort of. At least that's what Grey Water recycling is all about, fundamentally speaking. Now as for the esoteric meaning of it....we'll leave that to the zen masters.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Metal, Water, Wood, Fire & Earth

We consulted our Aqua Guru on the latest metal water bottle issue to gain greater wisdom over our past human ways, including our latest problem with plastic bottle pollution.
"Ahhh - sooo!" Aqua-fucius gleefully exclaimed. Back up a minute. Gleeful we ask? What could be gleeful about finding bisphenol A contaminant leaching from yet another human brainstorm product designed to contain water for ourselves?

"Sooo, you see - no plastic in Chinese five elements formula, but metal yes?" he queried us. Yes, we understand that Aqua-fucius. So? "Aqua-fucius leave that to you humans to figure out", he gently smiled. Or was that a cruel smirk he just emitted?

"Aqua-fucius beckons you to view greater picture, young souls. What is physical creation about to begin with?", he queried. We admit. We were stumped. "To see how the human mind has separated itself from the Universal Oneness that IS!", he chirped.

Huh? Clarify, oh great Aqua Guru! "Try to see humans as one tiny species of many millions on planet. But tiny humans do not see connection of all living things, including Earth. Humans create with no value given to all other creatures and one day, humans see that their creations have sliced heavily into the delicate fabric of their eco system, like mighty metal warrior sword!", he sternly spat as he stretched his goatee out to a sharp point. Good thing he didn't have his sword on hand that day. Ok, so what? No more plastic bottles and no more metal containers? Straw baskets leak, we dared to challenge.

"Not when made well and with loving hands", our beloved Aqua Guru retorted.

Well if we had lovingly crafted our plastic & metal bottles, would it have made a difference, we asked?

"Before creating, ponder the word 'love'," Aqua-fucius said, "And then add it to all that you think & all that you do.....and see what happens in your world.... Enough now!", he squirted out... and with that, he waddled back to sanctuary, leaving us in the dust of our modern day confusion.

"Solution is no brainer!" the voice jumping out from the back of his teetering head said. Wow. One last hint for us to ponder from the grand and great Aqua Guru. What to make of our conversation that day?

Well.... we're not sure what THE total planetary solution to fully ponder is, but we've got A solution! Try bottleless water!

Friday, September 4, 2009

WATER Is An Extraterrestrial Resource

We think of water as being ours, as in: our planet, our world... our home, etc. And perhaps it might jar the perceptual mindset of a few million humans if we were to suddenly tell them that water is actually from outer space. So, we'll do it gently....right here....within the tranquil, safe haven of our blog.


There....see? It's not that bad. We're still here. You didn't explode. The truth does not kill us, as we so might anticipate it would. THE FACT IS: water may have invaded our bodies, as in the movie 'Body Snatchers' but, WE have to take responsibility for allowing it to happen . After all, we used our free will and DRANK it. Nobody forced us to guzzle the liquid. And no matter how much we try to eliminate it from our body forms now that we KNOW it's alien, it will never leave our systems completely. It has taken over 3/4 of our bodies and we now NEED it in order to survive. Which comes to our next point.

If water is alien and we are intrinsically tied to it and perhaps as Carl Sagan hypothesized that all things, beings and planets are from the STARS; maybe we can begin to look at our foreign neighbors from across the world with whom we have perceptual differences - with a slightly gentler eye.

For if it is proven ultimately that we ALL come from the outer galaxies - including water and Earth itself - then WHO is actually terrestrial?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ice Is Thicker Than Water

Ice floats on water…but who’d a thought it was actually less dense than water? At first glance it sure seems like it could be heavier, harder, colder and thicker than water. Anyone’s whose slipped and fallen on it KNOWS it is a hard surface firsthand! Anyone who’s skidded on it knows it can be slicker than Tony Soprano on a dark night. But badda-bing, badda boom – who’d a thunk that as thick as it may be in wintertime; it actually has more air in it? And that's what helps cause it to float.

In ice, the molecules develop hydrogen bonds tighter than an old Italian family. And the bonding action between the oxygen of one atom and the hydrogen of another atom then pumps up the volume to create a slick greasy hard outer surface; sort of like a noisy bunch of drunken bad boys spewing out of the Badda Bing Bar. TV mobsters take note: don’t axe a guy, freeze him in a cooler, then later try to sink him in a river cuz he’ll pop right up and float like a lighthouse buoy.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Consume VS Conserve Mentality

What is the human economic disaster all about? Does anyone know? Let's let Aqua Guru speak! [Clap, clap, clap!] 'Wisdom is simple', Aqua-fucius says. Chi flow = money flow = smooth flowing society.

For decades, SOME human beings got a shriveled up notion in their itty bitty pin-heads that to starve other people out of their chi-money flow in the interest of gaining for themselves; they could then call themselves RICH. Trouble is, millions of other greedy little-booby-pin-heads thought that turd idea was a great one so they jumped on the bandwagon. So NOW, the decades-long practice of chi stealing has finally backfired to cause a HUGE ECONOMIC MESS. Aqua-fucius says, 'All are one and so dried up, poopy ideas = constipated economy.'

What’s a hardworking, high-minded human to do? GO ZEN. Let the idiots who caused the madness of consumer consumption have ALL the plastic goods they created back. Truth be told, humans need little to be healthy & happy. They need basic shelter, food; good water & loving relationships. Aqua-fucius says, 'Dump consumption, SHARE and BE FLOWINGLY ABUNDANT from within.'

Aquaverve can help get you started for going bottleless means you can ALWAYS fill your cup and YET not waste a single drop of water. Aqua-fucius THEN says, 'May your chi cup be free flowing & forever full!'

Thursday, July 23, 2009

YET ANOTHER REASON To Go Bottleless....

Gadzooks! This morning, Yahoo posted on its front page a behind-the-scenes article about the bottled water industry. Here are just a few key points:

‘Bottled Water Isn’t Always Pure.’ In a 4-year review, testing 1,000 bottles of water the Natural Resources Defense Council found that 22 percent of the brands tested contained chemical contaminants at levels above strict state health limits.

‘You May Actually Be Drinking Tap Water. Dasani, is a Coca-Cola product. Despite its exotic name, if your Dasani water was bottled at the Coca-Cola Plant in PA, you’re drinking Philly tap water. 25 percent of all bottled water is taken from municipal water sources, including Pepsi’s Aquafina.’

Ok well, we’re just quoting this stuff from Yahoo, but WOW! How aware are we of what we’re paying for when it comes to name brands? Here's more: ‘It’s Not Clear Where the Plastic Container Ends & the Drink Begins.’ Turns out, when certain plastics are heated at a high temperature, chemicals from the plastics may leach into container’s contents. Hmmmm.

‘Our Country’s High Demand for Oil Isn’t Just Due To Long Commutes.’ To make PET (water containers), you need crude oil. Specifically, 17 million barrels of oil are used in the production of PET water bottles ever year. PET bottles take 400 to 1000 years to degrade. Hmmmm again. How much do we love Mother Earth?

Before Name Brand Mega-buck companies make scapegoats out of all of us, might we not re-consider where're we're putting our dollars? Want to save AND be safe? Visit us at Aquaverve! We've got a great handle on how to be drink-safe and economical!

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Plump & Juicy Summer Water Diet

So... it's summertime and everyone is sprawling out to deepen that long anticipated beach tan, because there's nothng more sexy than adonis bronze, sun-kissed skin. Zits suddenly disappear off motley faces. Varicose veins mysteriously retreat into the twiligt zone from whence they came and a beautiful array of 'bubbies' in bikini's start popping up like wildflowers after a spring's rain. Who DOESN'T love the beach? EVERYONE appears just a little prettier or a bit more handsome.

With that thought in mind; if you're going to soak up the sun's rays all summer long, the least you can do for your Vita-D saturated skin is flush it regularily so that your skin cells remain plump and juicy despite the frying UV rays. Despite the fact that the Baywatch babes might have used 'other' plumping techniques to appear eternally juicy in their beach scenes, truth be told - water is the best cell fattener around. Lay off the pizza and beer and guzzle water on the beach. Tint it with a tea bag, drop a lemon in and repeat...all summer long. Not only will you feel great, look plump & juicy AND bronze; you can lay back read 'Raisin in the Sun', instead of being one!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fun Facts About Water Parks

The First "official" waterpark created was Wet 'N Wild in Orlando, Fla., by George Millay (creator and founder of Sea World). WWA officially proclaimed Millay as "Father of the Waterpark Industry" in 2004 and awarded him with the Association's first-and only, to date-"Lifetime Achievement Award."

The estimated attendance at North American waterparks during the Summer 2006 season: about 78 million (includes United States, Canada and Mexico), with growth average 3-5 percent each year.

The tallest, fastest single-person, free-fall waterslide in the world is: 120-foot tall "Summit Plummet," Blizzard Beach, Walt Disney World, Lake Buena Vista, Fla.

The largest indoor waterpark in the United States under one roof is: Kalahari Resort, Sandusky, Ohio. (173,000 square feet)

The tallest raft-ride waterslide is: 11-story tall "Insane" at Beach Park, Fortaleza, Brazil.

The largest wave pool in the world is: Dino Beach Water Park, Shanghai, China, at 181 feet wide by 360 feet long.
Whad-a-ya know? Water's not just for drinking! Happy Fourth of July!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Seems Everyone's Blasting Off Planet These Days!

First it was David, and then Farrah and then the King of Pop! What gives? Might there be something attractive about the ethers that is causing lift-off everywhere? Possibly! After all; scientists say we are about 60 to 80 percent water and metaphysicians state that we are pure energy. Put the two together and what have ya got? It's a term called 'Vortex Fashion.'
Water and air have the same intrinsic vortex motion. And now there are several types of newly developed radionic technologies for water, in which water can now be highly charged. High charge water is considered healthier water. You see, water is etheric energy in bondage but it has to move in a naturally winding and spiralling way; otherwise it looses its life force and becomes stagnant and lifeless. Sounds like high tech science, but really it's very simple; drink moving water and you'll be healthier for it.

Water has what are known as water clusters that will attach themselves to pollutant molecules. Thus, when we drink stagnant water, toxins sort of seep in and then seat themselves in our bodies. Bottleless water coolers hook right up to the water pipes as the water spirals into your home. Water dances right into your body sort of like the King did. So maybe he was on to something with all those funky moves! Bless you King, Angel & Warrior! Lead the way and may your etheric futures be as bright and light as they were here on Earth!

Friday, June 19, 2009

How Do Monkeys Get Their Water?

Were you ever in the middle of a high-stress board room meeting with 12 other colleagues heavily debating how you’d all save your last big account when the boss suddenly pointed a finger at you and asked a question ….and all you could think of was, ‘I wonder how monkeys in the jungle drink water?’

What? That just happened last week? Chances are you are in GREAT need of a vacation…but if your sore buns are presently glued solid to a board room chair, what’s a person to do? Why…travel in your mind of course!

Hindus believe that a great and mighty ape named Hanuman aided Lord Rama in his expeditions and protectively warded off all evil forces. Funny thing a monkey popped right into your mind as your boss leaned menacingly toward you from across the table. Might we all have a bit of mysticism in us, after all?

Maybe you can’t escape the destructive path of the major human antics that are sweeping dangerously toward your personal space, but rather than being a sitting duck, why not just suddenly seqwey on over to the still & peaceful standing water cooler and offer yourself a little water break? In the jungle, monkeys scoop water from a river into their palms just for a quick refresher. Maybe monkeys on the mind have valid and blessed meaning after all!

Friday, June 12, 2009

New Technology Gives Thirsty Plants Voice

Discovery Channel is a wonderful thing! It lets us plain, ordinary bumpkin people know what's going on behind those expensively funded, hidden little laboratory doors that have cropped up all around the country. This time, Discovery ferreted out a new toy for plants! Get this: plants in need of water are getting their own fancy gadget to “communicate” with their growers.

A newly developed microchip technology now allows plants to send text messages to farmers’ cellphones - asking for water! The thin microchip, which is smaller than a postage stamp, is affixed to the plant’s leaves and it can send messages to cellphones whenever the plant needs more water.

It's a good thing humans still have two feet. We can walk to the office water cooler when we're thirsty...instead of having to text someone to deliver it to us! Here's a sobering question: at what point will our technology begin to cause irrevolkable genetic muscle atrophy in the human body? If we're not careful enough to balance nature with our growing technology, we might end up evolving into a bunch of VEGETABLES after all.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From Sea to A Salty Water Logged NYC?

Meteorologists have alerted us to the fact that hurricanes are increasing and are starting up closer to our coastlines. NYC has always been high on the list with regards to ‘risk’. So some scientists and engineers are developing barriers to choke off the surging sea & protect flood-prone areas. But other scientists question whether the barriers would be environmentally sound and socially equitable. Hmmm. Save our city? Or save our planet?

While engineers say barriers are technically feasible, questions remain about their environmental viability. Structures that constrict the flow of water could alter fish migration, shell fishing beds and water salinity. This means that on top of our financial fiascos and environmental stresses; we’d start to slowly starve and have to drink stinky water too!

Sometimes, the good ol’ cave days where water was fresh and clean and cave maidens pranced merrily across the grassy knolls…seems a mighty delicious & happy thought. One good windy wipeout by Mother Earth might just be the ticket to bring us back to the days of simple, easy living. No more commuter stress! No more financial fiasco. No more mad Mom's. Just naked, happy, fresh-water people prancing all about.

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Complexity Of NYC's Water System

Most city people don't think about the water they use every day. But how water is actually able to even flow from a faucet is quite a feat, considering where it starts out from. NYC's water supply system is one of the most extensive municipal systems in the world. This complex system relies on a combination of tunnels, aqueducts and reservoirs. It draws from three separate systems; the Croton Reservoir, The Catskill Aqueduct and from the Delaware River.
How it actually gets to us is though the flow of our money into three additional systems that enable it to ultimately remain clean and clear enough for us to drink. Those three systems are The Dept. of Environmental Protection, The Municipal Water Finance Authority and the Water Board. Now that today's economy has mirrored back to us humanity's long term corrupt behavior with regards to money handling, perhaps each of us on an individual basis should seriously examine just who's hands we're placing our daily health in. After all, the human body is made up of 55% to 78% water!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Peru Indians & The Water Privatization Protest

Let's stretch our reality to another part of the globe for a moment, to reflect on how other humans are treating our planet's precious water. U.S. Water News Online recently reported that in Lima, Peru; Ashaninka and Yines Indians are blocking an airport in the central Peruvian town of Atalaya, as well as two stations on a northern oil pipeline. They are protesting laws that threaten their ancestral land and resources. 15,000 Indians have been protesting since April 9 and plan to start taking over oil and gas rigs. Apparently, laws passed in December opened the door to privatization of water resources and jungle land used by the Indians. Such protests reported are similar to 11 days of disruptions last August that saw Indians block roads and clash with police. That unrest led Peru's government to repeal two laws designed to make it easier to sell tribal lands. How is it that humans, no matter where located in the world; can muck up with greed something so vital and precious to the very physical survival of all? Perhaps all mega corporate executives should try balancing a water bucket on THEIR heads for one day.

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Nuclear Power of Swim Diapers

CBS News this week, tooted the dangers of summer swimming and no; this year it’s not floating garbage from nearby tankers. Apparently, it’s water-resistant diapers! Scientists from the University of North Carolina-Charlotte reported at the Swim Pool & Spa Intn’l Conference in London, (March 2009) that swim diapers are a scary new concern. Crypto is spread when swimmers ingest some water that has been contaminated by diarrhea from infected people.
To ingest via a swimming pool = drink, suck up, snort down, etc. A baby’s fecal accident contains a billion disease-causing Crypto oocysts, which equals hundreds of millions Crypto’s in the water in minutes. Crypto is a parasite that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration. This germ is highly resistant to chlorine. Water-resistant diapers do not mean water PROOF. The next time you sense a mushroom type nuclear explosion has occurred in your girlfriend’s child’s swim diapers – don’t be polite. You might want to mention it OUT LOUD before y’all get into that pool together!

Friday, May 8, 2009

We’re All Connected Via Water!

At the 5th World Water Forum, the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) presented an updated version of the Trans Boundary Aquifers of the World Map. Globally, the vast majority of countries share aquifer systems with their neighbors. Lack of coordinated human management can lead to undesired changes in groundwater flow, volume and dissolved substances.

That means, we’re all connected whether we want to be or not. If the oceans we swim in & the water we drink and wash with is held entirely in the safety of ‘other human hands’, wouldn't it be nice if we all got a little more neighborly toward one another? After all, how much unprocessed human pee is in the backyard pool & oceanfront water anyway? Happy swimming & drinking this summer, y’all.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hollywood Producers…All Dried Up For Ideas?

The camera pans across a happy, pappy little farm community. Children are joyfully playing in the oddly vacant streets. An elderly couple spray waters their rose bush while birds tweet nearby. A happy husband whistles as he clips his hedges. Suddenly whoosh! A raging river swoops down like an island bred tsunami.

Par for Hollywood; all are rescued, even the dog. The houses are rebuilt and the community slowly comes back. All is well…all is well. But wait! Suddenly people start popping off like corn in a piping hot microwave bag. What gives? NO ONE considered the invisible killer microbes that bred in the water...all along! Don’t be the victim of another blockbuster movie! Go bottleless!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Need for FRESH Water is Increasing Rapidly

The world’s population is growing too rapidly for Earth’s resources. The United Nations estimates that the world population will grow to 9.4 billion by 2050. Did you know that if global warming continues to melt glaciers, the supply of freshwater may decrease as it mingles with saltwater in the oceans? One day most water sources we rely on will become too salty to drink. What will we then drink? Also, the increased ocean volume will cause sea levels to rise, contaminating freshwater sources along coastal regions with seawater. Thirsty for a water cooler break right about now?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Strange Ways Water Will Flow

The recent scoop is that homeclick - a rather large home furnishings e-commerce store suddenly went bust…or should we say their proverbial water bubble just burst in the drowning economy? Home owners have gone scrambling and screeching for a new e-home furnishing store to call their own! What pray tell might THAT have to do with THIS BLOG? Well, it’s an interesting thing; the strange way in which water will sometimes flow. Did y’all know that if you visit THIS water cooler link, you’ll find yourself in an elegant NEW home furnishings wonderland? Garden goodies for spring time, bath and kitchen items to feed your fancy and tons of decorative accents abound. The bounty is plenty! Why not trickle on down?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Why IS Chlorine Added to Tap Water?

Chlorine is a highly efficient disinfectant and it is added to public water supplies to kill disease-causing bacteria. But all this disinfecting has not come without a price. As chlorine reacts with other naturally occurring elements in the water, it forms toxins called trihalomethanes (THM's). THM's have been linked to asthma, eczema, bladder cancer and heart disease. Carbon-based filters are considered the most effective at removing THMs and other toxins. What are other alternatives to chlorine? Well...we’re not bashful about pointing you in the direction of a few neat-o carbon filter, eco friendly & super elegant bottleless water coolers!

Friday, April 3, 2009

WATER – More Precious Than Oil!

The most valuable commodity in the world today is not oil, natural gas or even some type of renewable energy. It’s water...clean-safe-fresh water! Looking for the emerging trends? Follow the money. The Bloomberg World Water Index, which tracks 11 utilities has returned 35 percent to investors every year since 2003, compared with 29 percent for oil and gas stocks. So people of the planet – eco-consciousness living may indeed be the new financial boon. Get yourself a trendy bottleless water cooler, drink wisely, watch your savings increase & be financially sound for life!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are Parasites Swimming in YOUR Water?

Ok, so EVERYONE saw the TV show where the unfortunate guy who went wading in a river got a microscopic fish to swim up his thing-a-giggy. And then he had to go to a doctor to get it…uh, er…extracted.

Well parasites (maybe not THAT kind), are everywhere…including in our water supplies. Why do we think chlorinated water was introduced to our pools and city lines? You don’t have to go to the Amazon to catch some intestinal freak. Just drink from the office water fountain where all the local bacteria hang out. OR, look into fetching a water cooler for your home AND office!

Illness Via Water – Heavens To Betsy, What Next?

Studies are a very funny thing. We never pay attention to our habits until some professional agency comes up with a report. Then we scramble like mad to clean up our act. Ever get the feeling that the sound of humans should be more like…a moo?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now reports that individuals who drink and bath in chlorinated surface waters (i.e., water from lakes, rivers and shallow wells) have a 50% greater likelihood of getting cancer in their lifetime. Yikes! Depending on what part of the country one lives in, it is easy to find trace amounts of chlorination by-products, organics, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, radioactive compounds, petrochemicals and parasites coming from the local municipal water supply.
Filters! Filters! Somebody, get the office a filtered water cooler – hurry!

The Molecular Structure of Water

Since water is a malleable substance it easily adapts to whatever environment is present, but its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes. It also changes according to other surfaces it touches. That’s because the energy or vibrations of the environment interact with the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment. So if your water travels down a corroded city water pipe to get to your sink – don’t be surprised if you find yourself taking in a little bit more than just water itself. Quick! Need a water cooler? We’ve got just the one.

Water Quality Vs. Quantity…Does it Matter?

Water is the source of all life on this planet; therefore the quality and integrity are vitally important to ALL forms of life.

The human body is literally, a sponge. It is composed of trillions of chambers called cells, which hold, process and grow on this liquid sustenance.

Ding, ding. News flash…yes people, the overall health of our cells is directly connected to the quality of our water. But quantity helps too! SO... all you square heads; make like SpongeBob... sprint to your closest water cooler and start soaking up!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Is The Effect of Dehydration On Your Body?

Did you know that your ability to adequately handle daily stress is reflective of your body’s hydration level? Sixty percent of the population is dehydrated at any given time.

This is not because we're not drinking enough fluid; it's because we're not drinking enough of the RIGHT fluid, water. One and a half litres a day is the basic level that all adults should drink. The best way to do this is to maintain a steady intake throughout the day.

This is why water coolers are becoming more and more popular. You've got a constant supply of H2O close at hand. Now it’s just an issue of…which one? Aughhhh!

Is Your Office Water Cooler Making Algae?

Who’s the dummy that put the water cooler near the window? Or, might we be taking the phrase ‘going green’ just a bit too far? The green water phenomenon is caused by sun light continually penetrating the bottle which is not necessarily great for the water…or you!

Avoid this problem completely by going bottleless. The added benefit of shedding the water jug is that you can put your water cooler any where you darned well please…including right next to the window!

Replenish Your Soul From The Inside Out

Your body is 70% made of water.

Your brain has 15 billion brain cells.

Your cells are between 74% and 85% water. Your brain operates via connections between these cells which work best when you are properly hydrated. So if your skin is starting to feel like a crumbly croissant, chances are you need to amp it up on the H2O – FAST!
One of the best ways to ensure full body hydration is to keep water near you at all times. Tired of lugging politically incorrect water bottles to the office?Invest in a water cooler, be planet friendly and keep your cells plump and juicy too!

Do YOU Know What Drips From Your Tap?

Ask yourself -
How many times has your tap water been recycled before you get to drink it? How old are the pipes are that your water travels down? What additives have the water companies put into your water? If your water is fluoridated, what is the long term affect this may have on you?

Holy Waterfall! That’s right! Just how old IS that city pipe that leads to your office or home? Does ANYONE know? Obama has made one thing clear this year. Our infrastructure on all levels has been blatantly ignored for so many decades that it’s not just the streets and bridges we need to fix!

Our motto? Better safe than sorry! Take your health back into your hands, stick close to your water cooler and relax.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Water & Politics…Who Thought They Were Married?

The way water and politics interact is critical for the decision and implementation of water reforms. Politics is a process through which relations of power are constituted, negotiated and reproduced. It therefore becomes the background of ALL public decisions and action.

The World Water Council (WWC) initiated a “Water and Politics” project that aims to raise awareness of the importance of political issues in water reforms and to identify how politics can be a tool for the water community.

Becoming aware of how water and its politics affects our daily lives is paramount to changing the way we ultimately consume it. We must also remember that world reform begins with our personal lives. How we solve our everyday water issues makes a big impact on the community, thus the greater world.

One of the ways you can contribute to water conservation efforts is thru the use of a bottleless water cooler or bottleless dispenser. These direct water line connected units eliminate the need for single serve bottled water and/or those big heavy 5 gallon jugs. Check them out at Elite Home Style!

To Filter…Or Not To Filter Your Water

According to the UN and the World Health Organization, 80% of diseases in developing nations stem from consumption of and exposure to unsafe water, which kills more than 25,000 people each day.

No matter what country you are in, Water Quality is an important issue. Push your local decision makers to ensure that you have access to clean safe drinking water and that in the future you will also be protected.

Be proactive when it comes to your health, not only at home but in the office. Your body is made out of 70% water. Might the quality of it make a BIG difference in how well you feel? We think so!

The Meta-Meaning of Water Flow…

…or is your office chi running smoothly?

Some ecosystems such as wetlands have strong water retention capacities. Water penetrates into these ecosystems, is stored and then restored.

During wet periods, these ecosystems contribute to peak flow mitigation. During dry seasons water is progressively released, which maintains a base-flow.

Hence, we could say that a swamp does a pretty darned good job of managing its daily life. How’s your office these days? Too many wadded up, dead paper cups drifting around the cooler lately?

Maybe it’s time to get flowing again!

What We Take For Granted Saves Life Across The Globe

We never think that our small daily actions amount to anything. But they do! Today more than 25% of the world’s population does not have access to drinking water. Each year about 8 million people around the world - half of them children - die because of bad water quality.

Maybe going bottleless seems a relatively small change to make in one’s office. But when it adds into the world equation, every little bit of effort on everyone’s part DOES INDEED make a difference. Check out the bottleless water coolers at

If anyone out there is doing their part in a unique way, we'd love to hear from you!

Send Water Love, Drink Love!

Here’s a really cool underground ECO secret that holistic-minded people have known about for years. In 1992 a guy by the name of Masaru Emoto established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. He has since, gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water; the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a human body and covers our planet. So everyone, send love thoughts to your office water cooler. You might just help heal a co-worker of cancer!

Latest Gossip At The Water Cooler

There’s a new trend emerging within corporate America. It’s been spreading quietly all across the globe, but last week, someone let the cat out of the bag. Now the word is finally out.

The new and cutting edge eco-friendly water coolers are such cute little hotties that office workers have started to give them real names! Next thing you know, they’ll be decked out in press-on rhinestone bling!

Bosses beware; go for the steel ones and hold on to your dignity!

Save Water & Reduce Your Corporate Water Footprint!

Now that EVERYONE is on the go-green-save-Earth bandwagon, it’s interesting to see human creativity hard at work. There was a day not long ago when one could get one’s head bonked for trying to get a buddy not to litter. Now, hardly a day goes by where we are not prodded by a neighbor or co-worker to recycle something.

While the economy sinks like the titanic and energy costs drain our assets, companies are enjoying measurable cost savings by investing in water efficiency products. One way to reduce water usage is to convert standard office bottled water coolers to bottleless ones. Who says one should chuck one’s sense of elegance, just to save a buck? Gone are the large, lumbersome water jugs one must bust a gut to lift. Now-a-days, one can be water efficient and walk lightly upon Earth.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Return To Our Natural Heritage

As we become more aware of product contaminants that are hazardous to our environment and our health, we are simultaneously challenged to develop new eco-friendly lifestyle habits.

According to a study by the University of Heidelberg in Germany, there is substantial leaching of carcinogens from PET containers into water. Aside from recycling and reducing our dependency on plastic bottle products, what's a human to do?

Here's an online boutique that carries the highest quality water coolers and dispensers for the home and office. Going bottleless has it's advantages. more nasty, yucky carcinogens and no more plastic bottles left for Mother Earth to digest!