Maybe there really IS something to the act of pondering the soul when we're in a state of calm, rather than when crisis hits and we're suddenly, madly scrambling for cover. Where do our nutty ideas come from anyway? Most people, never stop to question why they think the way they do or why even they act the way they act....that is until they get themselves into deep doo-doo. Trouble, as the zen masters teach us is our greatest gift; for when we are under water so to speak, we are forced to have to suck up and look at life from different angles. By then things are usually such a mess, that no matter what angle one tries to view a situation, no solution seems in sight.
Well...we might not solve the problems right in front of us and maybe moon travel is just a pipe dream for most of us. But if we can look up once in awhile and stare at the stars from our itsy, bitsy little lives of 9-5 hrs and MOON SIZED mortgage bills, we'll always have our divine right to 'dream on'. Even if we never make full sense of why any of us are really here.