Initially designed for the hotel and spa industry, Aquaverve water coolers are the nation's trend setters in designer-style dispensers. Due to aesthetic interior design and high capacity performance requirements commanded by the five-star hotel industry, each model is crafted to commercial grade standards. Aquaverve has expanded and now their water coolers are available for small offices, schools, gyms, the corporate industry and even the residential and home improvement markets. Not only do Aquaverve water coolers blend in beautifully in any interior environment, they will last for years to come. Aquaverve provides a safe water solution to the planet's plastic bottle issue and and helps to spread awareness about water conservation.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Are Parasites Swimming in YOUR Water?

Ok, so EVERYONE saw the TV show where the unfortunate guy who went wading in a river got a microscopic fish to swim up his thing-a-giggy. And then he had to go to a doctor to get it…uh, er…extracted.

Well parasites (maybe not THAT kind), are everywhere…including in our water supplies. Why do we think chlorinated water was introduced to our pools and city lines? You don’t have to go to the Amazon to catch some intestinal freak. Just drink from the office water fountain where all the local bacteria hang out. OR, look into fetching a water cooler for your home AND office!

Illness Via Water – Heavens To Betsy, What Next?

Studies are a very funny thing. We never pay attention to our habits until some professional agency comes up with a report. Then we scramble like mad to clean up our act. Ever get the feeling that the sound of humans should be more like…a moo?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) now reports that individuals who drink and bath in chlorinated surface waters (i.e., water from lakes, rivers and shallow wells) have a 50% greater likelihood of getting cancer in their lifetime. Yikes! Depending on what part of the country one lives in, it is easy to find trace amounts of chlorination by-products, organics, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, radioactive compounds, petrochemicals and parasites coming from the local municipal water supply.
Filters! Filters! Somebody, get the office a filtered water cooler – hurry!

The Molecular Structure of Water

Since water is a malleable substance it easily adapts to whatever environment is present, but its physical appearance is not the only thing that changes. It also changes according to other surfaces it touches. That’s because the energy or vibrations of the environment interact with the molecular shape of water. In this sense water not only has the ability to visually reflect the environment but it also molecularly reflects the environment. So if your water travels down a corroded city water pipe to get to your sink – don’t be surprised if you find yourself taking in a little bit more than just water itself. Quick! Need a water cooler? We’ve got just the one.

Water Quality Vs. Quantity…Does it Matter?

Water is the source of all life on this planet; therefore the quality and integrity are vitally important to ALL forms of life.

The human body is literally, a sponge. It is composed of trillions of chambers called cells, which hold, process and grow on this liquid sustenance.

Ding, ding. News flash…yes people, the overall health of our cells is directly connected to the quality of our water. But quantity helps too! SO... all you square heads; make like SpongeBob... sprint to your closest water cooler and start soaking up!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Is The Effect of Dehydration On Your Body?

Did you know that your ability to adequately handle daily stress is reflective of your body’s hydration level? Sixty percent of the population is dehydrated at any given time.

This is not because we're not drinking enough fluid; it's because we're not drinking enough of the RIGHT fluid, water. One and a half litres a day is the basic level that all adults should drink. The best way to do this is to maintain a steady intake throughout the day.

This is why water coolers are becoming more and more popular. You've got a constant supply of H2O close at hand. Now it’s just an issue of…which one? Aughhhh!

Is Your Office Water Cooler Making Algae?

Who’s the dummy that put the water cooler near the window? Or, might we be taking the phrase ‘going green’ just a bit too far? The green water phenomenon is caused by sun light continually penetrating the bottle which is not necessarily great for the water…or you!

Avoid this problem completely by going bottleless. The added benefit of shedding the water jug is that you can put your water cooler any where you darned well please…including right next to the window!

Replenish Your Soul From The Inside Out

Your body is 70% made of water.

Your brain has 15 billion brain cells.

Your cells are between 74% and 85% water. Your brain operates via connections between these cells which work best when you are properly hydrated. So if your skin is starting to feel like a crumbly croissant, chances are you need to amp it up on the H2O – FAST!
One of the best ways to ensure full body hydration is to keep water near you at all times. Tired of lugging politically incorrect water bottles to the office?Invest in a water cooler, be planet friendly and keep your cells plump and juicy too!

Do YOU Know What Drips From Your Tap?

Ask yourself -
How many times has your tap water been recycled before you get to drink it? How old are the pipes are that your water travels down? What additives have the water companies put into your water? If your water is fluoridated, what is the long term affect this may have on you?

Holy Waterfall! That’s right! Just how old IS that city pipe that leads to your office or home? Does ANYONE know? Obama has made one thing clear this year. Our infrastructure on all levels has been blatantly ignored for so many decades that it’s not just the streets and bridges we need to fix!

Our motto? Better safe than sorry! Take your health back into your hands, stick close to your water cooler and relax.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Water & Politics…Who Thought They Were Married?

The way water and politics interact is critical for the decision and implementation of water reforms. Politics is a process through which relations of power are constituted, negotiated and reproduced. It therefore becomes the background of ALL public decisions and action.

The World Water Council (WWC) initiated a “Water and Politics” project that aims to raise awareness of the importance of political issues in water reforms and to identify how politics can be a tool for the water community.

Becoming aware of how water and its politics affects our daily lives is paramount to changing the way we ultimately consume it. We must also remember that world reform begins with our personal lives. How we solve our everyday water issues makes a big impact on the community, thus the greater world.

One of the ways you can contribute to water conservation efforts is thru the use of a bottleless water cooler or bottleless dispenser. These direct water line connected units eliminate the need for single serve bottled water and/or those big heavy 5 gallon jugs. Check them out at Elite Home Style!

To Filter…Or Not To Filter Your Water

According to the UN and the World Health Organization, 80% of diseases in developing nations stem from consumption of and exposure to unsafe water, which kills more than 25,000 people each day.

No matter what country you are in, Water Quality is an important issue. Push your local decision makers to ensure that you have access to clean safe drinking water and that in the future you will also be protected.

Be proactive when it comes to your health, not only at home but in the office. Your body is made out of 70% water. Might the quality of it make a BIG difference in how well you feel? We think so!

The Meta-Meaning of Water Flow…

…or is your office chi running smoothly?

Some ecosystems such as wetlands have strong water retention capacities. Water penetrates into these ecosystems, is stored and then restored.

During wet periods, these ecosystems contribute to peak flow mitigation. During dry seasons water is progressively released, which maintains a base-flow.

Hence, we could say that a swamp does a pretty darned good job of managing its daily life. How’s your office these days? Too many wadded up, dead paper cups drifting around the cooler lately?

Maybe it’s time to get flowing again!

What We Take For Granted Saves Life Across The Globe

We never think that our small daily actions amount to anything. But they do! Today more than 25% of the world’s population does not have access to drinking water. Each year about 8 million people around the world - half of them children - die because of bad water quality.

Maybe going bottleless seems a relatively small change to make in one’s office. But when it adds into the world equation, every little bit of effort on everyone’s part DOES INDEED make a difference. Check out the bottleless water coolers at

If anyone out there is doing their part in a unique way, we'd love to hear from you!

Send Water Love, Drink Love!

Here’s a really cool underground ECO secret that holistic-minded people have known about for years. In 1992 a guy by the name of Masaru Emoto established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. He has since, gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

From Mr. Emoto's work we are provided with factual evidence that human vibrational energy, thoughts, words, ideas and music affect the molecular structure of water; the very same water that comprises over seventy percent of a human body and covers our planet. So everyone, send love thoughts to your office water cooler. You might just help heal a co-worker of cancer!

Latest Gossip At The Water Cooler

There’s a new trend emerging within corporate America. It’s been spreading quietly all across the globe, but last week, someone let the cat out of the bag. Now the word is finally out.

The new and cutting edge eco-friendly water coolers are such cute little hotties that office workers have started to give them real names! Next thing you know, they’ll be decked out in press-on rhinestone bling!

Bosses beware; go for the steel ones and hold on to your dignity!

Save Water & Reduce Your Corporate Water Footprint!

Now that EVERYONE is on the go-green-save-Earth bandwagon, it’s interesting to see human creativity hard at work. There was a day not long ago when one could get one’s head bonked for trying to get a buddy not to litter. Now, hardly a day goes by where we are not prodded by a neighbor or co-worker to recycle something.

While the economy sinks like the titanic and energy costs drain our assets, companies are enjoying measurable cost savings by investing in water efficiency products. One way to reduce water usage is to convert standard office bottled water coolers to bottleless ones. Who says one should chuck one’s sense of elegance, just to save a buck? Gone are the large, lumbersome water jugs one must bust a gut to lift. Now-a-days, one can be water efficient and walk lightly upon Earth.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Return To Our Natural Heritage

As we become more aware of product contaminants that are hazardous to our environment and our health, we are simultaneously challenged to develop new eco-friendly lifestyle habits.

According to a study by the University of Heidelberg in Germany, there is substantial leaching of carcinogens from PET containers into water. Aside from recycling and reducing our dependency on plastic bottle products, what's a human to do?

Here's an online boutique that carries the highest quality water coolers and dispensers for the home and office. Going bottleless has it's advantages. more nasty, yucky carcinogens and no more plastic bottles left for Mother Earth to digest!