Initially designed for the hotel and spa industry, Aquaverve water coolers are the nation's trend setters in designer-style dispensers. Due to aesthetic interior design and high capacity performance requirements commanded by the five-star hotel industry, each model is crafted to commercial grade standards. Aquaverve has expanded and now their water coolers are available for small offices, schools, gyms, the corporate industry and even the residential and home improvement markets. Not only do Aquaverve water coolers blend in beautifully in any interior environment, they will last for years to come. Aquaverve provides a safe water solution to the planet's plastic bottle issue and and helps to spread awareness about water conservation.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Season's Greetings!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Proprietary Compounds - A Liscense to Kill?

Monday, October 24, 2011
New Study - BPA Chemicals Affecting Young Girls

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Water Studies & Hydraulic Fracturing

Monday, September 19, 2011
Is Wall Steet Brewing In Hot Water?

Monday, August 15, 2011
Shall We Rename The Pacific, 'The Plastic'?

Thursday, August 4, 2011
Living Machines Via Water Technology!

Monday, July 18, 2011
3 New Ways to Use Your Water Cooler

1) Make Water Cooler Fruit Popsicles. Chop kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and melons into pieces small enough to fill a 8 piece popsicle holder. Pour 3/4 grape juice and 1/4 water from your water cooler up to the top of the holder, pop in a stick and freeze.
2) Grab a spritz of mint from the garden, slice up a lemon and use a 'cold ice tea' bag. Cold ice tea bags are just like using hot tea bags, only you don't need the hot water. Just drop a bag into your glass, fill it with water from your water cooler and wha-la - instant iced tea with healthy lemon to detox your liver, while you sip away to your heart's content.
3) Jazz up your water cooler water by inviting over a few musician friends. If Masaro Emoto can change water crystals with thought, your musician buddies can tune the water to vibrate to your favorite oldies. Kick back, hear the music and then swallow it down. And then call us in the morning and tell us if you don't feel a big difference in the way you look at life. Who wouldn't feel good with 'We'll sing in the Sunshine...or Love is In The Air' flowing through their veins?
PS - Don't forget to keep the cat & dog bowls full this summer!
Monday, June 27, 2011
More Proof That Oil & Water Don't Mix

Imagine what all the stuck ducks and birds felt, who didn't have immediate medical intervention nor lifetime compensation for their sick family members. At least the people clearing the beaches who fell to their knees were immediately rushed to hospitals. A large majority of wildlife was left to stay sick on their own...sans antibiotics or lawyers to help right their lives. We can't help but wonder if flocks of non-physical birds snuffed out before their years are now watching from the heavens, mad as hornets that they got the shaft. Who knows? Maybe they'll recycle back into 3D as a nest of hornets to rival Hitchcock's movie, 'The Birds'. Karma's gotta work somewhere in the Universe.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You've Heard of Water on The Brain...

However, we certainly don't mind if a few scientists pop out of their labratories on occasion to back up OUR age old theory that water...and lots of it, is good for the body. Yes, the scientific habit to occasionally examine, poke and prod the water is good for you theory is a STRONG one because apparently, researchers are back at it again. THIS time they have determined that it actually influences the DNA structure itself. This means that water then, may have a far more significant effect on our overall health than we ever imagined. For if the DNA is responsive to water, then the organs which are constructed of DNA, will function responsively as well. Which means, quit the soda y'all! And drink clean water! Because, ultimately in the end, when we all dissolve and go back into the great white light of the mysterious hereafter; we'll be able to look back on our planetary experience. We'll then see that we were all mighty silly, behaving like everything was separated and non-connected. Maybe then we'll learn the BIG lesson that organic foods are the only foods that carry life force nutrients and that soda is indeed poison to our bodies....because it shrivels up our DNA sheaths with chemicals not designed for the molecular structure of the body.
It's just a darned shame we pay all this money out for scientific research to tell us what we all already innately know. Silly humans are we! But then again, how else shall we entertain ourselves for eternity?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wake Up & Help Save The Earth!

Friday, March 18, 2011
Maybe The Cavemen Had It Right

We, as a civilized society, seem to have more problems living in a balanced way than say, our fellow ancestors did many moons ago. Water is an issue that continually clouds our minds as we grapple with how to conserve it, use it and move it about the planet. Dumping loads of seawater on a nuclear reactor from a helicopter is not something cavemen had to worry about.
Even well meaning help-the-less-fortunate fund raising walk-a-thons dredge up perplexing 'footprint' issues these days. Those walking 20 miles to raise money for others without water in the eastern hemisphere, usually end up mighty thirsty after their first half mile. How then, DO we rationalize a walk-a-thon to begin with if we end up using a ton of water to replenish 25,000 thirsty, sweaty exercise hounds?
No, cavemen did not live complicated lives and therein lies the crux. They lived off the land and yes they bopped one another over the head with sticks once in awhile. But they weren't prone to sending millions fleeing from radiation either. The ratio of humans-to-water holes was more balanced. One simply knelt down and sucked up Earth's bounty when thirsty. There was no need to work oneself to death so that one could afford to hire a serviceman to install a fancy under-the-sink faucet filter to ferret out lead, chlorine and other city muck from corroded pipes. Cavemen and women lived in relative simpatico with planet Earth. Maybe we're not so advanced after all. Maybe we should each sit back and ponder what we're all doing wrong. Because the more one looks at the whole picture, the more one thinks that maybe the cavemen had it right!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Water To Clear Cancer - A Holisti-View

Aside from a random vacation Tsunami or a tumble backwards down a ski slope, most of us will develop a myraid of ailments: one which will ultimately take us down the path of full transformation back to etherland, whence we all came. In the tradition of breaking traditional medicine, the boomers have gone hog wild in the go-green field in the last decade. Those who gained masters degrees in business, banking and legalese have suddenly turned 'organic farmer' on culled profits from former professions. Some of the new green trenders have even deemed themselves experts in the holistic health field.
And so the new way to heal cancer, so say those amidst the new dawning of human-to-planet consciousness, is to walk in a field of flowers, breathe in the light, rest, relax, laugh and drinks loads of water. The water will wash the toxins away and the laughter and stress-free lifestyle, along with a few garden greens will restore the body to it's former glory. Hence, it may serve to lend a few extra years to those who now stand at the end of their planetary time. Aquaverve has only one thing to say about it all. "We told you so".
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