Initially designed for the hotel and spa industry, Aquaverve water coolers are the nation's trend setters in designer-style dispensers. Due to aesthetic interior design and high capacity performance requirements commanded by the five-star hotel industry, each model is crafted to commercial grade standards. Aquaverve has expanded and now their water coolers are available for small offices, schools, gyms, the corporate industry and even the residential and home improvement markets. Not only do Aquaverve water coolers blend in beautifully in any interior environment, they will last for years to come. Aquaverve provides a safe water solution to the planet's plastic bottle issue and and helps to spread awareness about water conservation.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Season's Greetings!
Team Aquaverve would like to wish everyone a wonderful and safe holiday season, as well as a joyous New Year 2012!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Proprietary Compounds - A Liscense to Kill?
The debate between big companies and environmentalists may go on forever, but in the meantime, we all have to live on the planet. There seems to be a huge discrepancy between the ethical behaviors exhibited by most living souls and the few who have found a way to benefit during their short term incarnational experience. These individuals will argue until death that the 'ends' to which they are all currently reaping (to extreme excess), justifies the means. Unfortunately, Earth is not set up as an official Karma school, whereas an action produces a direct & global reaction back to the individual who's taken it. Very often, Karma never bounces back to those who have blatantly stepped beyond the boundaries of moral codes. What to do...what to do with these incorrigable souls, we all ask? One such example of the craftiness of those benefitting, is through the legal system, which ironically, humans initially set up for the protection of humans. However, so deep in our legalese are we now, that the richest individuals in the world (and their companies) are protected under what's known as 'Proprietary Compounds'. Meaning; environmentalists out to save the Earth can't get a bird's eye view into the chemicals used in the fracking process. So the water that's being recycled back into the ground after being used, remains a huge mystery, in terms of the many toxic chemicals it may be harboring. Lack of disclosure prevents medical specialists to even know how to treat those poisoned. In the short term, many will become diseased and leave this Earth, most likely in debt to medical bills while the fat cats will ultimately depart Earth's bounty enshrined in golden coffins...without a clue as to how they helped to cripple the planet, her peoples, her animals and her plants. Are there Karma Lords waiting to receive us into the big hereafter? We'll never know. Will humanity's current issues ever resolve themselves? Most likely not. But in the meantime, those who have a conscience, can rest easy in the fact that they have some health protections in place. Aquaverve remains steadfast in it's mission to provide healthy alternatives to drinking frack-tainted well water.
Monday, October 24, 2011
New Study - BPA Chemicals Affecting Young Girls
The more we become actively focused on environmental issues, the more it seems we are finding that all man-made products are creating some form of toxic effect upon either our environment or on the human population. The latest research to come out in the plastic water bottle industry focuses on the chemical BPA that has been causing illness especially in female children who have been exposed to BPA before birth. What's astounding is that of 240 women tested, 97% of them were found to have BPA in their urine, as did that same percentage register also in their now born children. Since BPA is an estrogen-like chemical, it has been seen to have a connection to anxious behavior in young females. While there has been much focus in the bottled water industry on BPA in drinking water bottles, many more plastic products that we use on an everyday basis also come into play. Studies such as this latest research drives into global mindset the sobering fact that until we completely align our creativity with the life-giving properties of Mother Nature, we will continue to experience the adverse effects of our man-made products. As consumers, clearing ourselves of all plastic product purchases might be an effective accelerator toward ushering in new forms of environmentally friendly products. BPA, flouridation, clorox and other such chemicals we've become so dependant upon are part of a giant mix that will have to be 're-thought' - if we are to restore health of not only our planet but within our bodies as well. Aquaverve has for more than a decade, held one safe alternative to the bottled water industry. It's called, going 'Bottleless'.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Water Studies & Hydraulic Fracturing
Hydraulic fracturing and it's resultant health threat to humans and the environment has become the new heath-watch trend, as hundreds of blogs have directed people's focus toward the idea that fracturing may now cause human illness due to ground water contamination. Now pediatricians are becoming involved, so much so as to call state governors to order studies as to how fracturing might expose residents to air and water pollution. Why pediatricians? It seems that children are more susceptible to environmental toxins as they absorb chemicals at a higher rate due to smaller body mass. Since everyone knows that a 'Mommy' can instantly become a raging bull when her child is threatened, it seems likely that pediatricians are experiencing a higher rate of patient visits. While it's long been known that toxic chemicals are employed in hydraulic fracturing; in the beginning, no one was worried about where the chemicals would go, once used. Now it seems that too many people, both young and old are becoming sick in areas where there is alot of fracturing taking place. Aquaverve offers one small but safe alternative to ground water pollution. Just pop a filtered water cooler in the house, hook it up to the water line, sip and breath easy.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Is Wall Steet Brewing In Hot Water?
Life used to be easy. If you wanted hot water you boiled it on a stove, but humans always want more, more more! Soon people were ordering plumbers to install hot water fixtures directly into the kitchen sink, to stave off the few extra seconds it took for the water to warm up. Forever fascinated with technology we've continued to develop ways to make, brew and spew hot water. Now, the world kings of creative tinkering are IN hot water. A new movement has begun to put Wall Steet bankers and financiers in a Bull-style boilfest....why? For engufing the little people in a flood of foreclosures; for duping college grads into paying staggering tuitions for useless degrees and for draining the entire world economy by suckering all the little people to pay the bankers billions of bailout dollars (which has somehow evaporated into a big foggy mist.) Just where are the ultra wealthy thugs hiding these days? And just how does the 'little guy' tackle the gargantuan, Goliath's of Greed? Like water, a bunch of little guys are pooling in front of the big bull on Wall Street. In a non-violent protest, financially emaciated Americans from as far as Florida are gathering in solidarity like soupy muck to a dry sponge. Fatcat swanky suits now have to brush elbows with polite but unkempt squatters. Generally speaking, the rich are simply not equipped to swap spit with 'ordinary ones'. Until everyone figures it out all together and a few 'awakening' millionaires and billionaires give some of it rightfully back to society, Aquaverve will quietly continue to stick to the tradition of keeping life simple, stupid (K.I.S.S). Aquaverve can provide the people safe, hot drinking water via the flick of a finger on a faucet - at a pricetag both paupers and pirates can afford.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Shall We Rename The Pacific, 'The Plastic'?
In a recent C & EN magazine publication the American Chemical Society mentioned that plastic did not hold up very well, of all places - in museums! This tickles our senses when we contemplate the irony that as our society attempts to preserve within our sacred institutions, the fine works of 'plastic artists'; their art pieces are actually breaking down under the hot lights and moist air of the museums. In fact, we are still learning much about how insidious our man-made creations are, for in some cases, the broken down molecules of plastic art are drifting to other museum pieces and causing corrosion and staining. Scientists meanwhile, are scratching their heads over the fact that the new decade bio-degradable plastics are not breaking down nearly as fast as they'd predicted. Dazed in confusion, they continue to ponder over how a plastic bottle can break into a million pieces and still not manage to disappear in our vast salt water seas. It seems that if one wishes to amp up the break-down process, one only needs to submit one's garbage to a museum curator. Perhaps museums and kitchen cabinets may pave the way to solving the plastic garbage issue. As a matter of fact, if a scientific study were done on kitchen cabinets, we might find out that if we just left our food in plastic containers long enough, the plastic would eventually leech enough into our food, so as to morph into edible nuggets. It's too bad cancer is the result of leeching plastics because otherwise, we could all just age our container goods like fine wine and ultimately feast on plasti-cookies. Thus, we could solve the world pollution problem with just one well coordinated, globalized dinner meal! With that thought in mind, we suggest that a good healthy glass of clean, filtered water at this time may help us all to better digest the magnitude of our toxic waste issues.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Living Machines Via Water Technology!
Back in the 60's and early 70's, Hollywood produced an explosion of sci-fi movies and outer space television shows that delivered very entertaining scripts featuring inventions of our future times. Flash forward forty years and those of us now not willing to admit to watching such tv fodder for fear of aging ourselves, now get the pleasure of seeing old sci-fi ideas actually come into manifestation. One particular 1972 movie, 'Silent Running' with Bruce Dern says it all; as in the movie plot, he and three robots, Huey, Dewey and Louie prance about on a floating biosphere in space. Everything is self sustaining in the floating domes and in a heart-wrenching ending move, Freeman Lowell, the last remaining astronaut kills himself in order to save the last living forest. One remaining robot, Dewey floats away in space tending to the remaining plants. One can't help but wonder if movies such as that didn't have a heavy hand in turning the minds of baby boomers back toward Save-The-Earth endeavors; as we now witness in today's times, the creation and implementation of 'living machine systems' in the corporate world. What are THEY, one might ask? A corporate living machine system can look like a lush tropical garden area in a plush office or hotel lobby and yet beneath the beautiful foliage, lies a self sufficient wastewater system that produces clean water. These patented water technologies may have once been just the ideological means to which a script writer made his millions, but a few decades later, they've actually become REAL and WORKING inventions! With so many floods, water main breaks, oil spills and tsunamis of the past five years, our water concerns are indeed somewhat of a pressing matter. Luckily baby boomer scientists, now all grown up and yet still tinkering, can be proud that their imaginations ran away from them for just a bit. Because now what we have for the first time in history, are viable solutions for an infrastructure that has desperately needed water treatment and safe water management ideas. We at Aquaverve shall continue in our unique water cooler methodology for helping society keep the safe water flowing and along with the corporate powers that be; in simpatico, may we as a collective, mastermind even greater future water technologies.
Monday, July 18, 2011
3 New Ways to Use Your Water Cooler
It's summertime and the season of sunshine, humidity and all things that make one sweat (which is GREAT for the body by the way) is upon us. Therefore, it's a good time to re-think water cooler usage. After all, the warm seasons offer great incentive for human beings to detox from not only a winter's worth of junk food, but to re-gain energy and body vigor as well. We all know that it's not good to hover over a computer for long anyway. While it might have been cozy to huddle up in a blanket and search Google all winter long, it's not a particularily healthy habit, nor does it do anything to help maintain the main engine that carries our souls around. If one has been feeling sluggish lately, chances are a good seasonal flush will work wonders on a stagnant physical body. And that's where a few creative tips can make the chore of drinking 8 glasses a day, a bit more fun. So here's a small list of creative ways to use your water cooler this summer:
1) Make Water Cooler Fruit Popsicles. Chop kiwi, strawberries, blueberries and melons into pieces small enough to fill a 8 piece popsicle holder. Pour 3/4 grape juice and 1/4 water from your water cooler up to the top of the holder, pop in a stick and freeze.
2) Grab a spritz of mint from the garden, slice up a lemon and use a 'cold ice tea' bag. Cold ice tea bags are just like using hot tea bags, only you don't need the hot water. Just drop a bag into your glass, fill it with water from your water cooler and wha-la - instant iced tea with healthy lemon to detox your liver, while you sip away to your heart's content.
3) Jazz up your water cooler water by inviting over a few musician friends. If Masaro Emoto can change water crystals with thought, your musician buddies can tune the water to vibrate to your favorite oldies. Kick back, hear the music and then swallow it down. And then call us in the morning and tell us if you don't feel a big difference in the way you look at life. Who wouldn't feel good with 'We'll sing in the Sunshine...or Love is In The Air' flowing through their veins?
PS - Don't forget to keep the cat & dog bowls full this summer!
Monday, June 27, 2011
More Proof That Oil & Water Don't Mix
No one needed to hold their breath over this emerging water news. Considering every disaster that has been created by human hands has had devastating 'after effects' on the health of animals, beaches and yes, even other's no surprise at all to learn of the lawsuits emerging from the Gulf oil spill. Yet in the overall scheme of things, humans who create all these messes to begin with, seem to repeatedly and uncannily mastermind compensations for themselves. Yes the habit that won't seem to break is; to build without consciousness, create toxic messes and sue and get paid compensation. The worst part about this is that all the people who were conscious enough to go clean up the mucky water aren't the ones who should be doing it. The high paid executives - all of them - should have been chain ganged on the beaches in bare feet with scoops and baggies in hand. Then perhaps justice would assure all people of the planet that karma does indeed still function...even if only minimally. Perhaps in having to 'feel' the gooey tar between their toes or in having to bear six months of recurring loose bowels, it might prompt high paid executives of the future to be more Earth and Ocean minded when building their monster sized human toys. (But we won't hold our breath waiting for that to happen).
Imagine what all the stuck ducks and birds felt, who didn't have immediate medical intervention nor lifetime compensation for their sick family members. At least the people clearing the beaches who fell to their knees were immediately rushed to hospitals. A large majority of wildlife was left to stay sick on their own...sans antibiotics or lawyers to help right their lives. We can't help but wonder if flocks of non-physical birds snuffed out before their years are now watching from the heavens, mad as hornets that they got the shaft. Who knows? Maybe they'll recycle back into 3D as a nest of hornets to rival Hitchcock's movie, 'The Birds'. Karma's gotta work somewhere in the Universe.
Imagine what all the stuck ducks and birds felt, who didn't have immediate medical intervention nor lifetime compensation for their sick family members. At least the people clearing the beaches who fell to their knees were immediately rushed to hospitals. A large majority of wildlife was left to stay sick on their own...sans antibiotics or lawyers to help right their lives. We can't help but wonder if flocks of non-physical birds snuffed out before their years are now watching from the heavens, mad as hornets that they got the shaft. Who knows? Maybe they'll recycle back into 3D as a nest of hornets to rival Hitchcock's movie, 'The Birds'. Karma's gotta work somewhere in the Universe.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
You've Heard of Water on The Brain...
We've all heard the phrase 'water on the brain' but scientists have recently put new meaning to an old cliche. They've discovered that there's water on the DNA, which does not surprise us at Aquaverve, since we all know that the human body is made up of mostly water anyway. Why would our DNA NOT have water on it or in it or around it or whatever?
However, we certainly don't mind if a few scientists pop out of their labratories on occasion to back up OUR age old theory that water...and lots of it, is good for the body. Yes, the scientific habit to occasionally examine, poke and prod the water is good for you theory is a STRONG one because apparently, researchers are back at it again. THIS time they have determined that it actually influences the DNA structure itself. This means that water then, may have a far more significant effect on our overall health than we ever imagined. For if the DNA is responsive to water, then the organs which are constructed of DNA, will function responsively as well. Which means, quit the soda y'all! And drink clean water! Because, ultimately in the end, when we all dissolve and go back into the great white light of the mysterious hereafter; we'll be able to look back on our planetary experience. We'll then see that we were all mighty silly, behaving like everything was separated and non-connected. Maybe then we'll learn the BIG lesson that organic foods are the only foods that carry life force nutrients and that soda is indeed poison to our bodies....because it shrivels up our DNA sheaths with chemicals not designed for the molecular structure of the body.
It's just a darned shame we pay all this money out for scientific research to tell us what we all already innately know. Silly humans are we! But then again, how else shall we entertain ourselves for eternity?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wake Up & Help Save The Earth!
They say that babies when first born are the purest human beings on the planet. They haven't eaten junk food yet. They say the human body is made up of 80% water. Soda on the other hand, is 99% water with a few toxins thrown in. They say that almost 78% water covers the Earth. Of all that water, less than 1% is actually useable. Of that, 50% is polluted. They say that certain gurus in Tibet can survive on oxygen alone and yet the China area has some of the highest industrial smog levels in the world. What oxygen are they breathing? They say that chlorophyll from plants is a great blood cleanser and that the brightest colored vegetables and fruits are the healthiest foods to eat. Two of the largest food companies in the world produce Cheerios, Nesquick, Shreddies, Zucosos and Chocapic. Why are the largest companies selling dead junk foods to the people? Worse yet - why are the people buying them? We've strayed so far from our organic foundations and Earthen roots and yet SHE is what sustains our lives and our 80% water bodies. Anyone game for serious change? That usually starts with one good habit to build on. We've one suggestion. Start by drinking clean water. To help you make change, we've got alittle sale going on!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Maybe The Cavemen Had It Right
We, as a civilized society, seem to have more problems living in a balanced way than say, our fellow ancestors did many moons ago. Water is an issue that continually clouds our minds as we grapple with how to conserve it, use it and move it about the planet. Dumping loads of seawater on a nuclear reactor from a helicopter is not something cavemen had to worry about.
Even well meaning help-the-less-fortunate fund raising walk-a-thons dredge up perplexing 'footprint' issues these days. Those walking 20 miles to raise money for others without water in the eastern hemisphere, usually end up mighty thirsty after their first half mile. How then, DO we rationalize a walk-a-thon to begin with if we end up using a ton of water to replenish 25,000 thirsty, sweaty exercise hounds?
No, cavemen did not live complicated lives and therein lies the crux. They lived off the land and yes they bopped one another over the head with sticks once in awhile. But they weren't prone to sending millions fleeing from radiation either. The ratio of humans-to-water holes was more balanced. One simply knelt down and sucked up Earth's bounty when thirsty. There was no need to work oneself to death so that one could afford to hire a serviceman to install a fancy under-the-sink faucet filter to ferret out lead, chlorine and other city muck from corroded pipes. Cavemen and women lived in relative simpatico with planet Earth. Maybe we're not so advanced after all. Maybe we should each sit back and ponder what we're all doing wrong. Because the more one looks at the whole picture, the more one thinks that maybe the cavemen had it right!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Water To Clear Cancer - A Holisti-View
The recent decade has brought forth some oceanic sized ideas to the age old human dilemma of dis-ease. Thanks to the baby boomers, who now see mortality on the nearer horizon than say a twenty year old spring chick; much focus and effort has been directed toward the stuff that takes us out of our bodies. That stuff is mainly body toxins...which ultimately lead to cancer. Boomers all know how much candy, soda and chips they ate and for how many decades they ate it. Now they see the water on the fall, so to speak.
Aside from a random vacation Tsunami or a tumble backwards down a ski slope, most of us will develop a myraid of ailments: one which will ultimately take us down the path of full transformation back to etherland, whence we all came. In the tradition of breaking traditional medicine, the boomers have gone hog wild in the go-green field in the last decade. Those who gained masters degrees in business, banking and legalese have suddenly turned 'organic farmer' on culled profits from former professions. Some of the new green trenders have even deemed themselves experts in the holistic health field.
And so the new way to heal cancer, so say those amidst the new dawning of human-to-planet consciousness, is to walk in a field of flowers, breathe in the light, rest, relax, laugh and drinks loads of water. The water will wash the toxins away and the laughter and stress-free lifestyle, along with a few garden greens will restore the body to it's former glory. Hence, it may serve to lend a few extra years to those who now stand at the end of their planetary time. Aquaverve has only one thing to say about it all. "We told you so".
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